Welcome to Get Lucky, a raffle website for Petz. Raffles are
all about luck, and I hope you find some!
UPDATES 2/10/24: Dispersing Dandeshies drawn, Roots Dalmatians posted! 1/26/24: Fluttershy Oshies drawn, Dispersing Dandeshies posted! 3/11/23: Catfish bulldogs drawn and Fluttershy Oshies posted 3/1/23: raffle image for the catfish bulldogs has been fixed
Interested in donating to Get Lucky? Simply shoot an email to [email protected] with the subject line "donation."
Litters must: Consist of 3 - 6 pets Be based off of an original Petz breed Be P3+ Compatible (if you need help Fluxing, let me know!) (petz 5 breeds are welcome, even if the breed must be included in game) Contain your rules in the individual pets' profiles You do not need to take photos or assemble a litter picture!
Any and all donations are extremely helpfulin keeping Get Lucky up and running, and very much appreciated by me!